Hello, I'm glad that you're interested in my commission!
Below is a general description of my commission info:
Status - OPEN

What do I draw?
Illustrations of anything relating to anime style (except mecha, car, cyborg, NSFW, ... )

How to order
Please read the Terms of Service before ordering.
Send me information via my Email
Mail: lientran1223@gmail.com
Please include the order form below when ordering.

Payment Method
Via Paypal: onehitdied@yahoo.com.vn
$80 - $120
Price variety bases on the complexity of the work
Half - Body
+ With simple background or without background
+ $0
+ With more complex background like houses, forest, garden, castles, ...
+ $50 - $200
Price variety bases on the complexity of the work
Full - Body
$150- $250
+ With simple background or no background
+ $0
+ With more complex background like houses, forest, garden, castles, ...
+ $50 - $200
Price variety bases on the complexity of the work
If you want any other types like character design, dakimakura, .... Please contact me for further discussion.
I'm currently not taking NSFW commissions.
Type: (Full-body, Half-body, Portrait, Full-body with complex background, ...)
Character Name:
From: (your OC or any specific anime, game,...)
Short Description:
- Tell me more about the character(s), especially how you want me to draw them: context, their emotions, background, specific clothes, canvas size,...etc.
- For OC, please also provide me with detailed design of your OC.
- Please include the references as well. No references might result in higher price.
- You can provide an example on what kind of work/ level of detail/ style/ ... you're looking for.
Your Email:
Your Paypal Email:
Do you want me to publish the work? Yes/No (If no I will take a little extra fee for privacy)